The main changes in Lineage2: Goddess of Destruction

The system of commission trade

  1. Added a system of commission trade items through an intermediary. Allows you to buy and sell items through an intermediary.
  2. Commission for the sale of the subject will be 0.5% per day.
  3. Trade is carried out through a special NPC "Managing trade," which is in every village.
  4. If your character will put an item on a commission sale, the character can not be deleted or moved to another server.

The Seven Seals

  1. Power of Shillien sealed cemeteries and catacombs, the Seven Seals permanently closed. Effects of seals no longer affect the world of Aden.
  2. The strength of the Seven Seals are now affected as follows:
    • The maximum tax rate - 15%
    • Purchase and installation of elite mercenaries - impossible
    • Print no longer influence the course of sieges.
    • Festival of Darkness and the Rift Between the Worlds no longer available.
    • Blacksmith of Mammon Merchant of Mammon, and now move randomly between 11 cities.
    • Priests and Priestesses of the Dawn Dusk Priestess replaced by Mammon and sell a range of previously available from the Priests of Dawn / Dusk. The range of goods changed.
    • Priestess of Mammon, Blacksmith of Mammon Merchant of Mammon and move all together.
    • Calculations with any representatives of Mammon is now implemented in Aden, but not in Old Aden, like before.
    • Raid Bosses Anacom and Lilith are removed from the game.
    • Forgotten Scrolls , previously falling in the Catacombs and Necropolis can now be obtained by hunting monsters.
    • Seal Stones have been handed over by the priests in the struggle for printing are charged to the Ancient of Aden.
    • The remaining Seal Stones can be exchanged for Aden.


  1. The current system of vitality will be changed, and now the characters on your account, are on the same server will share the points of energy.
  2. The presence of points of vitality will give a bonus of 200% of the experience and the SP without PA and experience 300% and 200% SP with the PA
    • The presence of points of energy makes it possible to get the booty bag of Arms, Armor Bag, Bag of amplification.
  3. Points of vitality will be reset every week on Wednesday at 6:30 am.
  4. Items to fill (one-time increase in energy), maintenance (energy not consumed) and recovery (by killing monsters, recovering energy) points will be limited to energy use of 5 items per week.
    • Birthday cake does not fall under this restriction.
  5. Killing raid bosses will no longer restore points vitality.
  6. Finding peace in the area will no longer restore points vitality.
  7. In the fields will no longer drop tinctures, restores vitality.
  8. The current recommendation system will be maintained. Number of recommendations subtract a day decreased from 20 to 5 recommendations.
  9. Blessing Nevitt removed from the game. The remaining items in the game are as follows:
    • Hourglass Nevitt - using the experience bonus increases by 50%
    • Nevitt voice - using the recommendation increases the number by 10, and gives Adena.jpg 100.000 adena
  10. Priests blessed removed from the game.
  11. Nevitt descent removed from the game.
  12. During the hunt for monsters in the presence of energy points will be made available additional items:
    • While hunting in a group of players with the presence of energy affects the chance of additional items.

Great Olympics

  1. Conditions of participation in the Great Olympics changed:
    • Before renovation: Noble, Level 75 and complete three shift profession
    • After the upgrade: Noble, 85 level will be reborn
  2. Delivery of the first 10 points changed since compliance with the requirements of the Great Olympics, the first entry to the Olympics.
  3. Great Olympics settings changed as follows:
    1. The travel time of the Great Olympics changed:
      • Before the update: Daily from 18:00 to 24:00
      • After the update: Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 18:00 to 24:00
    2. Conducting combat amended as follows:
      Period Type of competition
      First week Outside of Class 1 of 1
      Second week
      3rd week
      Week 4
      (5 weeks)
      Within Class 1 of 1
    3. 3 on 3 fights removed from the game.
    4. Limitation on number of fights per week:
      • 50 fights in a week
  4. Selection of opponents takes place at the level of skill.
  5. The following positive effects prdelagaet Manager Olympics
    Name of skill Opportunity
    Poem of the Horn
    Poem of the Drum
    Poem of the Authority
    Poem Guitars
    Harp Poem
    Poem Pipes
    You can use odnovremennno
    Harmony Defender
    Harmony Berserk
    Harmony Magician
    You can only use one of the skills
  6. In the Manager's list of products added to the Olympics the following items (the cost of Glory, Aden and Symbols Games)
    1. Equipment items rank R
    2. Scrolls to modify skills after Rebirth - Secret Scripture of the degeneration of the four types of
  7. Symbols of the Olympic Games can be exchanged for glory
  8. Removed from the product list:
    • Ancient Book - Divine Inspiration (Original). Jpg Ancient Book - Divine Inspiration (Original) Now you can get it for hunting monsters.
  9. The reward for the daily Olympic quests changed:
    1. Olympics: Towards a danger!
      1. For carrying out 3 fights in a row
        • It was: Chest Olimpiady.jpg Chest Contest - 1 pc.
        • After: The Treasures of degenerated hero - 1 pc.
      2. For carrying out 5 fights in a row
        • It was: Chest Olimpiady.jpg Chest Contest - 2 pcs. Order Slavy.jpg Order of Glory - 3 pc.
        • After: The Treasures of degenerated hero - 2 pcs. Eyewear Fame - 6000
      3. For the conduct of 10 fights in a row
        • It was: Chest Olimpiady.jpg Chest Contest - 4 pcs. Order Slavy.jpg Order of Glory - 5 pc.
        • After: The Treasures of degenerated hero - 2 pcs. Eyewear Fame - 10000
    2. Olympics: Only a victory!
      1. For 2 consecutive wins
        • It was: Chest Olimpiady.jpg Chest Contest - 1 pc.
        • After: The Treasures of degenerated hero - 1 pc.
      2. For 5 straight wins
        • It was: Chest Olimpiady.jpg Chest Contest - 5 pcs. Order Slavy.jpg Order of Glory - 3 pc.
        • After: The Treasures of degenerated hero - 3 pcs. Eyewear Fame - 10000
      3. For 10 straight wins
        • It was: Chest Olimpiady.jpg Chest Contest - 6 pcs. Order Slavy.jpg Order of Glory - 10 pcs.
        • After: The Treasures of degenerated hero - 6 pcs. Eyewear Fame - 20000
  10. Treasures of the new object is added as a degenerated Hero reward from daily quests Olympics, when you open an object by double-clicking, please contact:
    • Symbols of the Olympic Games
    • Secret Scripture on Rebirth
    • Elixirs of life / mana / CP rank R, potions instant recovery
    • Accessories Olympic Heroes


  1. The number has been changed according to the number of classes - 8 Heroes
  2. Time of the Hero status increased.
  3. Added a new weapon of Heroes rank R:
    1. Types of weapons
      Name Type
      The sting of Eternity Dagger
      Cutter Eternity Sword
      Espadon Eternity Two-Hand Sword
      Avenger of Eternity Club
      Warrior of Eternity Knuckles
      Petrel of Eternity Lance
      Throw Eternity Onion
      Sentinel of Eternity Crossbow
      Raschlenitel Eternity Magic Sword
      The caster of Eternity One-handed magic stick
      Vengeance of Eternity Magic two-handed rod
      Twin Swords of Eternity Dual Swords
      Twin Daggers of Eternity Twin Daggers
      Paired batons Eternity Paired sticks
    2. Capabilities of weapons
      • Increases Max HP, MP, CP
      • Increases attack speed and magic speed
      • For magical weapons increases the speed of magic
      • Increases the chance of physical critical attack
      • Increases damage in PvP
  4. Updated Clan Reputation Points amount received, if the character becomes a Hero of the clan:
    • Was: 1000 points
    • New: 5000 points
  5. Hero characters and 2nd and 3rd places can get at the Monument to the Heroes new coats:
    1. Types of coats:
      Name Available characters,
      who took
      Cloak of the Hero 1st place
      Cloak of Valor 2nd and 3rd places
    2. Features:
      • Increases Max HP, CP
      • Increases defense, spell resistance


  1. If you can not transform, the icon skill / subject blur transformation.
  2. Changed the animation process of transformation and inverse transformation.
  3. Changed the animation transformation, when the character is the driving means.
  4. Changed the basic characteristics of all transformations.
  5. Changed the names of the transformation skills - class horses.


  1. Subjects merchants expanded product range and now sell gear rank R & Supplies rank R.

Automatic selection of

  1. A system for automatic selection of the character groups based on their class and level
    1. Find a group applicant
      • When you log into the game character receives notification of accession to the system search for a group
      • Automatic search for a group can be switched on and off at will in the Actions window.
      • When you receive an invitation applicant will see the parameters and the hunting group
      • If you take the character in the group, he receives a temporary invulnerability and increased experience gain and teleported to team sites. If the character is looking for a replacement, the replaced team member is ejected from the group.
    2. Search for a group of applicants
      • The group leader creates a request for the necessary replacement character for the group by clicking the special button in the group.
      • If a suitable candidate on the criteria to reject or accept the invitation, the group leader receives a message.
      • If the offer is rejected the group's leader will need to restart the search.
    3. Search for replacement
      • If someone needs to replace itself in the group, he may apply to the group leader
      • The group leader will see the highlighted symbol next to the name change of the character in the window in the group.
      • Created by finding a replacement will be fully consistent with the parameters replaced character.
  2. When auto-replacement group will receive the following positive effects:
    • Temporary Invincibility: 10 seconds, all the characters in the group becomes invulnerable
    • Increased Concentration: 10 minutes 3% bonus to experience gain
  3. Shrink the system can not be used in the following cases:
    • In locations with a Raid Boss
    • In locations where the call is not possible
    • After the end of the time zone
    • Characters entered into battle
    • In PvP zone

Fame, reputation

  1. Personal reputation (Glory)
    1. Increased the maximum number of points of glory, which can save a character
      • Was: 100,000
      • After: 20,000,000
    2. Ways of getting fame changed:
      1. Castle Siege: 125 points -> 1250 points
      2. Battle for the Earth: 125 points -> 1250 points
      3. The siege of the Fortress: 31 points -> 310 points
      4. Siege Clan Abode (ruined castle, camp robbers, Palace Rainbow Springs, Corral Wild Animals, Fortress of the Dead): 75 points -> 750 points
      5. Siege Clan Abode (Strengthening Partizan): 19 points -> 190 points
      6. Underground Coliseum:
        • 1 win: 80 points -> 800 points
        • Most wins: award increased 10 times compared with pre-existing.
    3. Changed the list of products managed lands
      • Belts and shirts rank R
      • Enchanting shirts rank R
      • Items to enhance belt rank R
      • New Accessories
    4. Changed the list of goods in support of Captain fortresses
      • Paints for tattoos to degenerate characters
      • Mascots rank R
    5. Changed Items Manager Olympics
      • Outfit rank R
      • Scrolls modification skills to degenerate characters (4-D type)
      • Convert characters into Olympic glory.
    6. Changed Items Managing Reputation
      • Scrolls Modifications of arms and armor rank R
      • Elixirs rank R - elixir of life, mana, and CP, Supereliksiry life, mana, and CP
      • Changed amount of fame necessary to reduce the counter PK:
        • Was: 5000 points
        • It became: 500,000 points
      • Changed the number of points to be exchanged for clan reputation points:
        • Was: 1000 points
        • It has become: 10,000 points
  2. Clan Reputation
    1. Siege and Battle of the earth changed, now the characters belonging to the clans involved, bring a clan reputation points every 5 minutes.
    2. The members of the clan level 5 and above receive 1 point of clan reputation while participating in sieges and battles, along with fame.
    3. Items needed to get 9, 10 Eq. clan, added to the list of Merchants Clan Elijah and Mulii
    4. The cost of items:
      • Oath Krov.jpg Blood oath - Reputation klana.jpg 500 reputation
      • Blood Alyansa.jpg Blood Alliance - Reputation klana.jpg 20.000 reputation


Ability of the clan, the rules of war, the Academy and other clan-related content has changed as follows

Clan Skills

  1. Change the properties and performance skills of the clan.
  2. New skills consume clan clan reputation points and glory to the use of
  3. Added new skills clan
    1. Passive skills

      Name Lv. Clan Title Description
      Skill 19003.jpg
      Rod Resistance Clan 5 Elder Increases clan members resistance to magic Light and Darkness. Action effect extends to the characters, having the status of elders or higher.
      Skill 19004.jpg
      Control over the negative effects of the Clan 5 Elder Increases clan members' resistance to negative effects. Action effect extends to the characters, having the status of elders or higher.
      Skill 19005.jpg
      Control of Resistance Clan 5 Elder Increases clan members' resistance to paralysis. Action effect extends to the characters, having the status of elders or higher.
      Skill 19006.jpg
      Control over the psyche of Clan 5 Elder Increases clan members' resistance to mental attacks. Action effect extends to the characters, having the status of elders or higher.
    2. Active skills

      Name Lv. Clan Title Description
      Skill 19007.jpg
      Summon Clan 7 Viscount Calls for a character member of the clan. Consumes 10 units. Ores of the Soul. Requires 900 units. personal reputation. Ability can use members of the clan having the status of Viscount or higher.
      Skill 19008.jpg
      Defender of the Clan 11 King Calls on the Defender Clan for 3 min. Defender restores HP / MP / CP clan members in a particular zone. Power 500. Consumes 100. Ores of the Soul. Requires 1 000 units. clan's reputation. The ability to use members of the clan may have the status of the King or higher. Used only on the battlefield.
      Skill 19010.jpg
      A copy of the Klan 9 Marquis Creates a copy of the illusory character, confusing the enemy. Consumes 50 units. Ores of the Soul. Requires 1500 units. personal reputation. Ability can use members of the clan having the status of Marquis or higher.
      Skill 19013.jpg
      Removal of the negative effects of the Clan 9 Marquis Removes evil spell on all surrounding members of the clan. Consumes 50 units. Ores of the Soul. Requires 1500 units. personal reputation. Ability can use members of the clan having the status of Marquis or higher.
      Skill 19014.jpg
      Protecting the Clan 11 King Makes others members of the clan invincible. Consumes 50 units. Ores of the Soul. Requires 1 000 units. clan's reputation. The ability to use members of the clan may have the status of the King or higher.
      Skill 19015.jpg
      Clan Friendship 9 Marquis Increases the clan members around crit. Atk. a 3% chance of Crete. Atk. Magic 20. Consumes 100. Ores of the Soul. Requires 3500 units. personal reputation. Ability can use members of the clan having the status of Marquis or higher.
      Skill 19016.jpg
      The boundary of the Clan 8 Graph Increases the clan members around Phys. Atk. 3%, Def. Def. by 3%. Consumes 100. Ores of the Soul. Requires 3000 units. personal reputation. The ability to use members of the clan may have the status of Count or higher.
      Skill 19017.jpg
      Prison Clan 10 Duke Within 60 sec. уменьшает Скорость передвижения врагов вокруг на 23% и запрещает использование телепорта. Consumes 50 units. Ores of the Soul. Requires 3000 units. personal reputation. The ability to use members of the clan may have the status of the Duke or higher.

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